Jesus Serves Us

Hey there!  Hope all y’all are doing well!  It’s been such a crazy year, this 2020.  Find a comfy spot and grab a cuppa and let’s talk about the very real mercy and provision of God for our daily needs.

I’ve talked a lot recently about anxiety.  It’s something I hadn’t struggled with for a decade, but it came back with a vengeance!  I’m working with a doctor and am taking my prescribed meds as directed.  There is nothing the the Bible or Church teaching that says not to!  We are physical beings and sometimes our physical needs a little help in its fallen state.

With the major cross country move, the lack of a job, the COVID-19 pandemic and now the world wide racial riots and unrest, it’s no wonder I’m struggling.  Many others are struggling, too.  I’m working triple overtime trying to find a job, trying to stay safe and healthy and trying to stay focused on God’s goodness, mercy and provision for my daily needs.  Scripture is my bedrock that never changes and is always there to remind me that God hasn’t left me, even when the physical anxiety is threatening to knock me down again.

I’m in a Zoom Bible study doing “1000 Gifts” by Ann Voskamp.  Tonight this question was raised:  “Describe a time when you were profoundly aware that Jesus was at work serving you.”  That was a new way to look at some things!

I thought back to the move and how He has provided, albeit not as I would have liked.  My version would have been to sell the Ohio house at a good profit, buy a house here free and clear and have a good job waiting.  When I arrived homeless and jobless, He provided a free hotel on accumulated points for awhile, then free lodging with a retreat center I used to volunteer at.  While all I could see was rentals falling through, He ultimately provided the right house in the right area of town, even though I did not qualify for the rent amount.  While I was upset about not owning a home for the first time in my life, He matched me with a management company who has been very responsive to my needs and requests.

He provided a one-month temp job that carried me through three months.  When I needed a doctor, He led me to a wonderful doc whose visit and lab rates are extremely affordable; she has an onsite pharmacy that provides my Rx needs at a fraction of the cost of a regular pharmacy, as well as a program to get my most expensive diabetes med for free.  She is also well versed in depression and anxiety.  The Lord “served” me by connecting us.

One of the ladies in the Bible study group gave me the book and the devotional.  One of them sends me cards or checks on me to be sure I’m okay.  Another one tonight told me she would buy my book for the next study we will be doing.  Our pastor let me make an appointment to go to confession, then gave me the Eucharist privately.  Jesus is serving me through my church.

My daughter has brought me dinner a couple of times just to say hi.  She invited me over for Mother’s Day, then again for Memorial Day so I wouldn’t be alone. She loaned me an old computer that at least has a good camera for any future video interviews.  She’s totally unaware, but she is being Jesus serving me.  My other daughter took me for a weekend to Branson, Missouri, for my birthday in late February.  She and her man fed me, entertained me, loved me.  It was such a wonderful and refreshing time.  They were Jesus serving me.

Another friend of the family needs someone to do some limited data entry work; that will help bridge the gap between jobs.  I have a job interview on Monday.  I stumbled across my great test scores on the Indeed job board today.  These all give me hope when I was getting pretty discouraged and feeling unemployable.  Jesus is serving me.

How about you?  Do you know His provision, His mercy, His ‘service’ for you?  The greatest service He has done for all of us is when God Himself became a human being, born of an earthly mother.  He lived a perfect life, taught us about God and His ways, then died a horrible death to take the penalty for our rebellion.  He never leaves us, never fails us.  If you don’t have a relationship with Him, find a pastor or priest.  They can help you get acquainted with Him.  Find other people to connect with.   We are the way He serves others.  Others are the way He serves us.

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