
Hey there!  How is everybody!  Hopefully everyone is doing okay, and healthy and safe.  I just wanted to stop in and share some encouragement for all of us who are struggling right now.  So grab a cuppa, and find that comfy spot and I’ll share what I’m thinking.

The last couple of years have been really hard, and especially the past seven months.  I’ve hit some new lows during that time.  God’s grace is amazing… I didn’t quit.  I didn’t give up.  I didn’t give in to the temptation to crawl back into a beer bottle and curl up in the corner and whimper.  God kept me.

So, what can we do to cooperate with the grace of God to help us through the rough times?

First and foremost, don’t isolate.  It’s tempting from several angles to withdraw from everyone and everything when we’re hurting or life seems to be impossible.  Don’t do it.  Reach out to others.  I was drowning, and I knew it.  So I reached out for life preservers.  People who would pray me through the tough spots.  People I could cry with.  People I could be raw and honest with.  It’s okay to be needy sometimes.  We are human and weak at our best.  Life can knock us right off our feet and it’s okay to need others to help us hold on.

Second, get a perspective of truth.  The world and the storms we weather can have winds that shout about how hopeless it is, how worthless we are, how helpless we are, and that it’s never going to be okay.  Those things are lies.  Pure and simple.  The truth is this:  There is always hope if we’re still alive.  We are worthy of belief in ourselves even if it appears that no one else does.  We are not helpless, there is always one more thing we can do.  It will be okay sooner or later.

The Scriptures are the bedrock.  God is a God of hope and has promised to sustain us.  He has placed incredible value and worth on us simply because we are His creation and His children.  Even if we are helpless, He is surely not!  He has all power and all knowledge.  He’s not surprised, not without options or plans.  He has good plans for you that He is actively working out.  He is able!  He has plans for our future full of hope.

Third, we must tell ourselves the truth and allow others to tell us those same truths.  God knew before I was born that I would be right here, right now.  He is not surprised.  Although it seems dark to me, even the darkness is as bright as day to Him.  He has a plan for me that is good.  He loves me.  He will never leave me nor forsake me.  He is able to do far more than I could even dare to think.  He will provide all my needs.  References to look up for these would be Psalm 139, Jeremiah 29:11, Hebrews 13:5, Nehemiah 9:31, Ephesians 3:20, Philippians 4:19.

Every time the hopeless or negative thoughts come in, counter them with truth.  I would tell myself, “It feels hopeless.  But the truth is that God is right here.  The truth is that He didn’t bring me this far to drop me on my head!  The truth is He isn’t mad at me, hasn’t left me, isn’t unaware.  The truth is He has a plan for me and it is good.  The truth is He loves me and is actively working for my best.  The truth is that He has never failed me and will not fail me this time. ”

Fourth, keep the truth in front of us.  I have things on the fridge.  On the nightstand.  On the walls.  It’s part of my decor, but also part of notes I purposely put on the fridge.  I have the truth that God will provide all my needs (Philippians 4:19) printed above the signature line of my checks.

Fifth, prayer is vital.  Pray out the worries and concerns.  Give them to God, even if you have to do it every 10 seconds.  Pray the Scriptures to get the truth more firmly embedded into your heart.  Tell God what the Word says, “Lord, Your Word says You will never leave me nor forsake me.  I choose to believe that truth.  Strengthen that truth in my heart.”

Finally, reach out to your pastor or priest.  Let them into your life.  Allow them to know your struggles so they can pray for you!  Don’t try to go it alone.  Reach out to people you can connect with.  You can help them, too, by telling them the truths you know.  That helps both of you!


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