Rest Well, Sadie

Sadie’s favorite day bed

Hey there.  Hope all y’all are doing well.  This post is a little longer.  Grab a cuppa if you like, find a comfy spot and help me celebrate the life of my beloved Sadie Bri.  She crossed the Rainbow Bridge Tuesday afternoon, so I need to honor this beautiful companion and remember our life together. Continue reading

Urgent Care

Hey everybody!  How are all y’all?  Doing well I hope!   Summer is in full swing, and lots of activities are going on.  We’ve finished Memorial Day and Fourth of July, maybe we’ve gone fishing or boating.  Bicycling is actually the most common summer sport, according to the trivia board at my local bank.  Find a cool and comfy spot to relax, and grab a glass of something cool.   Sometimes these activities don’t go quite as planned, and we end up in the Urgent Care center seeking medical attention. Continue reading

The First Disciple

Hey everybody!   How are all y’all?   I hope everyone is doing as well as myself.  I’m doing awesome!   The sun is shining, the guys are working on the house and the garage, all my stuff is here, the cicadas and birds are singing, the temperature is perfect.  Life is good!   Leaving school this morning after my writing class (if you have some hobby you absolutely should take a class!), I saw something on one of the bulletin boards that really intrigued me and blessed me.  It was a picture of Jesus as the Teacher, and another pic of the first disciple.  Find a glass of something cool, find a comfy spot to relax a minute, and let’s talk about that first disciple! Continue reading

Family Stress

Howdy!   How’s everyone doing?   Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?  LOL.   Are you ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow?  Yeah, me too.  I still have some things to finish up, but I’ll be ready to spend time with my family.  I’ve been gone a lot, and am fixing to move out-of-state, so I need to savor and enjoy this Thanksgiving!  I remember Thanksgiving when I was little though, and the huge family gatherings it started off.  But sometimes, holidays seem to bring out the worst in family relationships. Maybe this is the year for you to begin to reverse that trend. Think about it… Continue reading

It Wasn’t Enough

Hey there!   How are all y’all?   Hope everybody is doing well!   Grab a glass of tea – it’s HOT here again today.  Thought it would be cooling off by now, but the summer isn’t quite ready to let go yet, I guess.   Find a comfy spot, and I’ll let you wander around in my mind with me for awhile.  It’s really a dangerous place to be alone sometimes, but today I think we’re in a good place.   Sometimes I’m just so amazed and God’s love and care for us.  Continue reading


Hey there!   I just sat down here to write about something else, but I looked out and saw a pair of cardinals on my deck.  So, it got me to thinking…   How is everybody?   Hope all is well with all y’all.   Grab a glass of something, and find a comfy spot and take a load off for a few minutes.  You’ve been working hard all morning, right?  As I write this it’s Saturday morning.  Seems like I work harder most weekends than I ever did at the office!  Let’s talk about Cardinals. Continue reading

Observe to Obtain

Hey there! Hope all y’all are doing well! Grab a cuppa and get comfy for a while. Relax a minute. One thing I really like is going to church every day.  Every day, we have tan Old Testament reading, a Psalm and a Gospel.  If I pay attention, I can always hear God speaking to me through His Word.

Awhile back, the OT reading was from Deuteronomy chapter 4.  Now, I know Deuteronomy can be quite boring.  Continue reading

Funny How It Works

Hi there!   Hope  everyone is doing well.   It’s finally warmed up a bit here, and the weekend is supposed to be gorgeous.  Arkansas daughter is in town for the weekend.  So everybody grab whatever beverage you’re in the mood for (its after midnight so I’m drinking hot decaf tea to soothe a scratchy throat).  Then grab a comfy spot.   Ever had that ‘funny feeling’ that you should be doing something for no apparent reason? Ever had that feeling that something was about to happen but you didn’t know what? Continue reading


Go ahead and pull up a chair, and your tea.  But I have to tell you that this time, I have…  nothing.

No great words of inspiration, no ‘eureka!’ discoveries, nothing profound.  Nothing.  Just a blank page in the midst of a crazy busy twenty-first century life.  I could talk about my kids, my grandson, my job, my church, my volunteer work.  But from here, there’s nothing new under the sun there, either.  Kids are living their lives, grandson is growing, job is stable, church is there, volunteer work is ordinary.  Nothing.

And yet…  Continue reading